7-Eleven xin chào!Earn and use points, fast delivery 24/7, searching information about product and inventory, customer service support,… are the features at 7-Eleven app. Download 7-Eleven app and start enjoying these privileges!1. EARN AND USE POINTSCollecting points while you are shopping and Exchanging vouchers are tailored for you.2. FAST DELIVERY 24/7Fast delivery from your nearest store in just 30’ regardless of distance.3. SEARCHING INFORMATION ABOUT PRODUCT AND INVENTORYAll information about products is available at the store nearest to you.4. AFTER-SALES AND CUSTOMER SUPPORTRating and customer service support are available for each order even after completed orders in-store or in-app.5. DAILY PROMOTION INFORMATIONDaily promotions and latest news will be updated at 7-Eleven app on daily basis.6. CASSLESS PAYMENTThere are variety of payment options available: Momo, ZaloPay, VNPay,… and Bank transfer are integrated in 7-Eleven app.7. STORE LISTFinding the store nearest to you by store list in 7-Eleven app. There are games and exclusive offers from 7-Eleven as well as our wide range selections of branded products to be explored.